Imaging Services
Images Services provides imaging services to support classroom and on-line instruction, college related publications and promotion. Services include training, research, development and project assistance.
Interested in Photography?
MCC Students
- Interested in attending photography classes at MCC? Contact the Visual and Performing Arts Department.
Examples of Services
- Studio/Location Photography
- Portraiture
- Custom images for classroom and on-line instruction
- Imaging for college publications and promotion
- Multimedia Presentations - Imaging for PowerPoint and other presentation media
- Internet Content - Imaging for college instructional and promotional web pages
- Digital Image Manipulation - Customization of images with Photoshop and other image editing programs
- Production Quality Scanning - Professional quality scans for publications, etc.
- Consultation/Project Assistance
- Assistance with instructional and promotional projects
- Research, development and assistance with imaging software and hardware
- Training - Professional development courses in basic and advanced digital imaging, for MCC personnel
Policies and Procedures
- Please plan ahead. Schedule imaging services at least two weeks in advance.
- All projects must be MCC-related.
- Departments requesting services requiring large amounts of supplies may be asked to provide materials.
Contact Information
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 150
Mon thru Fri, 8am to 4pm
Jeremy Case
Multimedia Specialist
(585) 292-2588